Hire Me For A Webinar, Workshop Series, or Speaking Engagement.


I am a Professional Speaker.

I provide neurodiversity training to public, charter, and private schools, conferences, summits, and other professional organizations.

Professional development training in neurodiversity issues for teachers, schools and corporations

"Intro to Neurodiversity" and "Parenting Your Neurodiverse Child or Teen" talks and discussion groups

Customized webinars, workshops, keynotes, and panel discussions

Developing and facilitating workshop series tailored to a school or organization’s specific needs

Here Are Examples Of My Speaking & Webinar Talks:

“Reimagining Parenting in a Neurodiverse World” 14 minutes

“Nuerodiversity & Relationships” 72 minutes

"Missed and Misdiagnosed: Overlooked Neurodivergent Teens" 24 minutes


 Here’s What People Are Saying About My Talks:

Allison’s webinar ‘Reimagining Parenting in a Neurodiverse World’ received amazing feedback and applause by our Caregivers ERG. Her content was incredibly relevant and spanned across family life stages.  She helped ground everyone on signs of neurodiversity and showcased great tools to leverage for both young children and teens. Her webinar was so engaging and relatable with her storytelling and solutions. We got such amazing feedback!! Her content was loved and needed! She was an amazing partner to collaborate on our vision of content, and incredibly professional yet personable! Thank you again!!”

-Stephanie Quinn, Frito-Lay Sales Director

"We will make your 'Neurodiversity: How to Parent Through Understanding the Brain' webinar that you did for Creative Healing for Youth in Pain (CHYP) a must-see for parents of every neurodiverse patient we see at our Whole Child LA Pain Clinic (WCLA)! It is highly viewed on our CHYP YouTube channel with lots of great comments! Viewers find it very helpful!”

-Lonnie Zeltzer, MD

Emerita Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Co-Director Whole Child LA Pain Clinic

President, Creative Healing for Youth in Pain (CHYP) mychyp.org

“During this time of uncertainty with COVID-19, many parents are trying to cope with and understand their teens who are ‘freaking out’. Allison’s webinar that addressed parent concerns about teen anxiety was right on time! She provided brilliant guidance and tools to regulate emotions as parents in order to effectively communicate with their teens who are ‘freaking out’. Allison’s presentation was therapeutic, personable, and non-judgmental and left parents feeling empowered. I highly recommend Allison as a speaker, presenter, and clinical professional, because of her expertise, passion for her work, and her genuine compassion for people!”

-Kimberly Floyd, Director of Outreach - Fusion Academy

“Allison’s webinar on Surviving Family Time During Quarantine was so timely and helpful for our Parent Association! Our parents learned how kids and teens process traumatic events, and were taught innovative strategies to help their teens with emotion regulation. She also shared tips for parent self-care, and ways to maintain emotional connection with their teens even in stressful situations. She has such an engaging way of speaking and interacting with the audience that made her an immediate favorite among our speakers. We look forward to having her back to support our parent community!”

-Christine Evey, President Emeritus - Bridges Academy Parent Association

Want me to speak to your group?

Let’s connect to talk through possibilities for your organization’s event!

I’m happy to provide a complimentary consultation to help plan something special for your group. We can customize my talks towards your specific audience needs.